Last night I dropped by the Museum of Vancouver, for " a Night of Social Crafting"! It was a rather delightful affair, where friends arrived together to learn a new craft, to knit, to collage, screenprint, charcoal amongst a group of like-minded and creative thirsty people. It was just a nice place to be, some sipped beer, other's wine, and some viewed the craft tables where things were for sale. I finally met the ladies from Yarn Bombing, The Art of Crochet and Knit Graffiti (Mandy Moore and Leanne Prain); picked up a most lovely soap from Olive and said Hello to Andrea who was manning a table from Got Craft. All in all it was a fun little evening, and hopefully the start of many more!
The DIY Night @ MOV
Last night I dropped by the Museum of Vancouver, for " a Night of Social Crafting"! It was a rather delightful affair, where friends arrived together to learn a new craft, to knit, to collage, screenprint, charcoal amongst a group of like-minded and creative thirsty people. It was just a nice place to be, some sipped beer, other's wine, and some viewed the craft tables where things were for sale. I finally met the ladies from Yarn Bombing, The Art of Crochet and Knit Graffiti (Mandy Moore and Leanne Prain); picked up a most lovely soap from Olive and said Hello to Andrea who was manning a table from Got Craft. All in all it was a fun little evening, and hopefully the start of many more!