Hello, friends! Merry X-mas to those of you who celebrate it.
Today, I'd love for us to gather round ye olde blogge fireplace and tell a favorite story about the kids—a fond memory, a funny moment, a time your child wowed you, anything that comes to mind.
Here's a Max story:
Back when Max was two and learning to walk, he'd cruise around our house in his Pony gait trainer.

This is it.
Man, Max could cruise in that thing. He'd do lap after lap around our first floor, his little feet working furiously and awe-inspiringly. At the time, I was hesitant to let him use it outside. I had deep concerns about Max fitting in with other kids in the neighborhood, and I thought it would call attention to his challenges. Looking back, it's hard to believe I felt that way, because now I'm of the mindset that if you don't get Max, there's something wrong with you. But there was definitely a lot of denial going on, issues with my own acceptance of Max's condition that I had to work through.
Eventually, I decided to hell with what anyone thinks. And so one glorious fall day, we took Max outside, plopped him in the Pony, and let him go. We live on a dead end, and soon enough Max was zipping up and down it, his usual big smile plastered across his face. And suddenly, all these kids on our block were racing after him shouting, "LET ME TRY! LET ME TRY!" They thought Max was the coolest thing on wheels ever. Max kept giggling; he knew he was cool, too. Later, a mom told me her kid said he wanted "Max's bike" for Christmas.
BTW, I'd offered up this gait trainer for grabs once before, and it's still available because the person ended up getting another. It's size 0, here are the details. E-mail me at lovethatmax@gmail.com if you'd like it, you'd just have to pay for shipping.
I hope you're all enjoying the family time. We're headed to Vermont!
Now, what story about your child would you like to share?
Photo by phanephotog