Let me just say that taking Max to the dentist does not rank among my Top 10 Activities of Fun Things In Life. He's orally sensitive, and hates having his mouth touched. So I tried something new. I booked appointments for myself, Max and Sabrina. I figured if Max saw me having my teeth cleaned, he'd be less freaked about it.
It didn't quite work out that way.
Max watched, fascinated, as the dentist poked, scraped, polished and flossed my teeth. (Question: Why do they not have flavored toothpastes for adults? How come only Sabrina got her choice of watermelon, bubblegum and cherry? Don't adults deserve flavors, too? Hello, Pina Colada and Strawberry Margarita?). Max seemed excited to hear the dentist had a purple bib for him. He loved it when I turned on the water jet to rinse.
Then it was his turn, and he most definitely did not love it. He wailed. I had to clutch him on my lap as Dave held his hands and the dentist did the world's fastest exam. Good thing a bunch of his teeth have fallen out—fewer to look at!
Finally, it was over, and the dentist let Max choose a toothbrush. He picked a Diego one because it had, you guessed it, purple.
Next, Sabrina's turn. She had to lie on my lap and whimper, too, because she didn't want to be outdone by her brother. Max stood guard to make sure she got her fair share of torture.
Then Max got it into his head that my teeth weren't clean enough. So he grabbed the polisher and tried to do some work on them, though he did not bill me for his services.
Sabrina chose a purple Spongebob Squarepants toothbrush. The kids had a big fight when we got home because as it turned out, Spongebob had more purple on him than Diego did.
Who knew a trip to the dentist could be this thrilling?!