What kind of exercise do you do?

First, an EEG update: Max continues to be his usual sunny, sweet self, despite the apparatus hooked up to him. Sabrina continues to be blase, although she did ask tonight if Max's hair would be the same once the "hat" was removed.

Today at work, I took a brisk walk during lunchtime, and it felt great. It made me realize, sadly, that I barely get any exercise. Every day, I walk about 15 minutes from the train station to the office, then 15 minutes back at night. Some days, those train walks are the only exercise I get (and I'm not counting my mad dashes to actually make the train as aerobic activity).

This is so not healthy. I so have some pounds to lose. And I am soooo full of excuses. After work? No way, I want to be with the kids. Early morning? Ick. Weekends? I'd rather be with the kids. I'd rather be with Dave. I'd rather be having fun. I'd rather be having a cavity filled. I'd rather be locked in an isolation cell with Rush Limbaugh. Basically, I'd rather be doing ANYTHING else than exercising.

This kind of attitude, I realize, isn't doing much for my thighs, or the belly I got after having children (it was never flat to start with, but it is the opposite of flat now, which is to say, I have flab and there, I've said it). I also want to set a good example for the kids.

I think running is my best hope; I can just do it in my neighborhood, and 30 minutes isn't that long but I'd get a good workout.

Please, inspire me: What kind of exercise are you doing these days? And if you are not really doing anything, either, I will find that immensely reassuring. But then I will make you start an exercise program with me.

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