Saw some beautiful browns today. Here is just a sampling. To see more click here. So many beautiful examples. And please join us tomorrow as we visit red and our last day of our Autumn Colour Week!
Line 1: Shadows on the beach, Pistachio Press; Nothing Was about to Happen, Radio Choci; Pinecone collection, Koreana; Schwinn, Schwinn; Boot scraper, Ninimakes
Line 2: Wired hook & eye, Royal Buffet; Cobblestones, oh gosh; This Tornado, h malcolm; Trees, Leciia/A Day That is Dessert; llamador, Lluize
Line 3: e-z load, jek in the box; bridge, Royal Buffet; The Organization, bheuer; essential joy, bohemian girl; beautiful wood from hrsmithjones;
Line 4: Wood pile, Knitting Iris; Caramel Apples, Maine Momma; Piano, girlhula; polaroid, Leaca's Philosophy; Rustic fork and spoon, Ethanollie.