We're honoured to add to our list of weekly contributers to Poppytalk this week, the golden design duo out of Philidelphia, Shauna Alterio and Stephen Loidolt! We're pretty much sure many of you know these amazing folks, but just in case not, they work under the name, Something's Hiding in Here and make the most beautiful and original handmade pieces (see the above collage for a peek of just a few). Shauna and Stephen will be writing a weekly post called, "i made this for you...", where they take a slant on the D.I.Y. idea, focusing on diy gifts, that are simple to make yet fun and unique. One week Stephen makes something for Shauna and vice versa. It'll be fun to tune in each Friday to see what's in store starting today!
Find more of Stephen and Shauna:
blog somethingshidinginhere.typepad.com
shop, somethingshidinghere.etsy.com
flickr flickr.com/photos/somethingshidinginhere