I mentioned a few weeks ago that I'd gotten the kids a Butterfly Garden kit; it comes with a habitat, and you send a card away to get live caterpillars then watch them turn into chrysalides (aka cocoons). Well, it was a huge hit. I think this sort of thing is great for any child, but I'm always glad to have interesting ways to help Max understand both nature and the passage of time. I have to say, this city girl was pretty fascinated, too.
The caterpillars arrived in this glass jar, and ended up sitting on my kitchen counter the entire week. Not my preferred place, I'm a little squeamish, but it's just one of those things I never got around to moving. Come to think of it, that's the decorating motif of my entire home: things I never got around to moving.
Day 2: "Mommy, is that caterpillar doody?"
Day 3: I swear, I was not feeding them growth hormone or cheeseburgers or anything. They got big this fast all by themselves.
Day 4: Hanging out.
Day 5: Three cocoons!
Day 6: I think the caterpillars and cocoons were tipsy from a big glass of red wine when this photo was taken. No, wait, that was me.
Day 7: The slowpoke of the bunch.
Day 8: In their deluxe condo.
Day 10: Two butterflies came out overnight! I wish we'd had a butterflycam to see it happen.
When I asked the kids what we should name him, Sabrina said "Butterfly," not surprisingly. She called our former fish "Fish," you may recall (Max called them "ish") before I accidentally murdered them.
Day 11: They're outta there!
Day 12: Snacking on the sugar-water mixture we doused tissues with.
So beautiful, right?
We set them free after three days, with a little drama: One immediately flew onto Sabrina's stomach, and she screeched her head off. I hope the butterfly does not require therapy for that.
The kind people of Insectlore generously gave me three Butterfly Kits to give away, so leave a comment below by Friday midnight, and I'll randomly select three winners and announce them on Monday.