The scene: Saturday at 1:00 p.m. Max is wailing. He's just had a jelly donut. He wants another.
Me: "Honey, one jelly donut is enough. Let's give him something nutritious."
Mushball (aka my husband, Dave): "Awww, he looooves jelly donuts, let's give him another."
Me: "But so far all he's had today is chocolate ice-cream and chocolate milk!"
Mushball: "Awwww, let's give it to him."
[Mushball proceeds to start stuffing jelly donut into Max's mouth.]
The scene: Sunday evening. Sabrina is pacing in front of the TV.
Sabrina: "I waaaaant to watch Monsters!"
Me: "She's already watched a video in the car before, that's enough TV today."
Dave: "Awwww, let's let her watch a little bit."
Me [shooting Dave evil eye]: "Sabrina, you can watch for JUST 10 minutes."
Sabrina: "Yaaaaaaaaaaay!"
I guess I wear the pants in our family, or I try to. But Mushball Dave is always caving on the little stuff.
What goes down in your house?
Photo by mmlander