Sometimes, I look like her when I haven't had enough sleep
Before I had kids, I did a lot of volunteer work. It was something instilled in me by my do-good mom and my high school, where you needed 160 hours of community service hours to graduate. I used to go grocery shopping on Saturday for a woman who had multiple sclerosis, we became good friends. In college, I ran a toddler playgroup for local kids in need. Post-college, I volunteered at a pediatric playroom in a hospital that treats cancer.
I haven't done much volunteer work since Max was born. Part of me feels like Max should be my only project because he needs as much help as he can get. But then, I want to help other people in need. And I want to teach the same to the kids. (One good thing about this crappy economy, I've read, is that it's been a boon for volunteerism; more people out of work, more time on their hands.)
I'm starting something with the kids this month: I'm going to sit down with them in front of the computer, ask them to help pick a charity and make a donation to it. Charity Navigator has lots of good options. But giving money is one thing; I really, really want to find a way to do some hands-on help.
Any of you do volunteer work?