Rand Renfrow is a wonder kid finishing up a couple of degrees at Texas State. He's an amazing printmaker and uses his craft to run Test Everything, a project that specializes in creating editioned fine art books, zines, prints and posters.

Make sure to check out the Test Everything blog to get involved and contribute to the next zine!

Mr. Renfrow has a shiny soul and is going to continue to grow as a designer/illustrator/printmaker so keep a lookout for this kid!
Also, if you haven't already please check out University of Brighton's design class of 2009! It's well branded and has a slew of fantastic young creatives.

Mr. Renfrow has a shiny soul and is going to continue to grow as a designer/illustrator/printmaker so keep a lookout for this kid!
Also, if you haven't already please check out University of Brighton's design class of 2009! It's well branded and has a slew of fantastic young creatives.

I especially enjoy the work of Eleanor Wood, Lauren Duly, Joseph Wood, Connie Dickson, Lucy Anstey, and Elisabeth Wylson.
Posted by Will Bryant