Nice strangers vs. jerk strangers
We're back from our mini beach getaway, a glorious few days filled with sun, ice-cream, yet more ice-cream and... superfun bicycle ride consisting of Dave and me pedaling like maniacs and the kids giggling hysterically.
The only bad part of the entire four-day weekend was when Dave let Sabrina watch an episode of Hannah Montana. Now Sabrina is saying that is her "favorite" show. Crap.
One night, we took the kids to a local boardwalk where they have really great kiddie rides. Max looooved this one ride that was basically a merry go round, except with cars and trucks. The line was long and crowded, Max wasn't going to tolerate it. So Dave walked up to the attendant at the exit, explained that Max had special needs and asked if Max could slip in that way. She said OK. Only thing was, Max did not want to get off when the ride stopped. In the end, she let Max stay on for something like 20 rides; he had this big grin on his face the entire time. She wouldn't let us pay for any of the rides. Dave tried to give her a tip, she wouldn't accept that, either.
I am always bowled over when people are this kind. In general, most strangers are. Most—there was an oustandingly jerky dad at the pool yesterday who asked Max to give back the watering can he'd found floating around. The guy packed it away with the rest of his daughter's toys (which she wasn't playing with) and they sat there, unused, for the rest of the afternoon. Grrrrrr! I was tempted to take a photo of him and post it here. And to water him with the watering can.
Got any kind gestures or jerk-like gestures from strangers to share here?