A woman who represents The Academy of Special Needs Planners recently sent me a book they had put together, All The Bunnies. In it, lawyers who've had family members with special needs share their stories and discuss special needs planning on a personal level. It was very moving.
Lawyers who are special needs planners help families plan for their children's future. They can give guidance on special needs trusts, establishing guardianships, estate planning, Medicaid and Social Security Disability Insurance.
I asked her if one of the lawyers would be willing to answer some questions, and she said yes. So, post your q's and I will run answers in the near future.
Also, I have two All The Bunnies books to give away! Post either a question or comment below by the end of the day on Friday and I'll randomly select two winners.
Update: You can buy the book ($9.95) or download it ($1.95) here.