Don't say it's so. Is summer flying by as fast for you as it is for us? Today marks the last day of our Here Comes the Sun market at Poppytalk Handmade. For the last couple of weeks we've been enjoying the sun-themed goods coming out of the handmade (and vintage) world and now it's coming to a close. The online market will be open until 6pm tonight! Thanks to all the participants and visitors that stopped by. Also we're very excited about our NEW market coming up, starting Tuesday (we're launching one day later this go as we do some scheduled maintenance over the weekend). Our Home Sweet Home market is scheduled to open Tuesday, July 21 and run through to Saturday, August 15th, 2009. We hope to see you there for some fantastic (never before seen housewares) for the home! Have a fantastic summery weekend!
Here's what's happening in your neighborhoods:
Make It presents Edmonton's premiere screening of Handmade Nation. Shop from 30 of Edmonton's hottest DIY designers and artist's during the day 10am - 5pm) and then at 8pm watch the debut of Handmade Nation. Click here to purchase tickets.
Trans Alta Arts Barn, 10330 - 84 Avenue, Edmonton, Alberta
Blim's July Car Free Main Street Market
Sunday July 19 | 12 – 5 PM | Free
@ Between 12th and 16th Avenue on Main Street
Vancouver, B.C.
San Francisco
Renegade Craft Fair
July 18 + 19 from 11am – 7pm, at Fort Mason Center Festival Pavilion, San Francisco, CA
Los Angeles
Modernica Warehouse Sale
July 18, 2009 - 1420 E. 7th Street @Alameda, Southern Pacific Freight Building Terminal #2 (10am - 4pm)
Also happening online! Starting 7am - 7pm. Click here for more details.
Pitchfork Music Festival 09
July 17-19, in Chicago's Union Park!
Don't miss Flatstock 21 in conjunciton with the festival, which is a gathering of poster artists from across the country. Be sure to check out Mile 44!
New York
Bags for the People
Bags for the People is partnering up with 303GRAND, BurdaStyle and Etsy for "The Sweatshop", July 18th, from 1-6pm @ 303 Grand in Brooklyn. It's an environmental and social action and awareness project - picture a room full of sewing machines, awesome music, good food, free drinks, and a heaping pile of fabric along with some amazing teachers to show you how to sew and make your own bag! Plus an amazing free pattern of the Charlie bag courtesy of BurdaStyle! They supply the machines and fabric, and you just bring yourself and be ready to sew & learn! Click HERE for your free Charlie bag pattern.
If you have an event that is craft or design or music related, feel free to list in the comments section for others to read!