A friend recently forwarded me this photo with the message, "To avoid the swine flu, don't do this!"
Funny. Not so funny: I know a couple of people who've had it. When Max had a sore throat and fever the other week, they wouldn't let him back into school without a note confirming that he didn't have swine flu. Our pediatrician isn't doing the test, so we had to take Max to a Quest lab, who managed to mess up the blood draw (ARGH!). Next day, we took him to a walk-in clinic at a local drugstore, where they confirmed he was flu-free.
Any flu you get now is going to be swine flu. In case you're wondering, one friend who had it told me that her symptoms were bad headache, feeling like she was hung over, moderate favor, sniffles, runny nose. Here's a helpful video from the Centers for Disease Control.
Friends have asked me if Max is more susceptible to swine flu. He's not; he may have CP, but he has no immune system issues. I hope none of your kids do, either.
What's the word in your area? Do you know anyone who's had swine flu?