Summer is finally here and it's officially time for treats on wheels. What would summer's soundtrack be if not for the occasional tinkly music of the ice cream truck? How better to survive the heat than with icy cold snow cones and popsicles? My list today is short but sweet-- two all-star operations, both bringing treats to the masses in ridiculously cute vehicles.

1. Fresher than Fresh. Homemade gourmet snow cones made with fresh fruit and herbs. Housed in the cutest 1957 Shasta trailer you ever did see. If you're in Kansas City, look for Lindsey Laricks (and the impossibly cute mascot Snowie) and treat yourself to a snow cone. Or two. Or three. Order the Blackberry Lavender and the Clementine and think of me. Snow cones are my all-time favorite summer treat and selling them from a vintage trailer might just be my new dream job.

2. Heartschallenger. A pink ice cream truck that sells international candies, ice cream and toys. Uh, yes please. Self-proclaimed ice cream truck visionary Leyla Safai converted an old mail delivery truck into a pink dream and stocks it with goodies from all over the world. Hit it up for treats like Italian spumoni slices, mexican fruit bars, japanese black sugar caramels and kosher Bazooka Joe. And the classics-- pixie sticks, pop rocks, candy necklaces, fun dip, ring pops fudgecicles. On board, you'll also find all kinds of toys-- star sunglasses, bright-colored bouncy balls, lip gloss, little heart-shaped mirrors, yo-yos, spinning tops, finger puppets and the like. Layla, you are my hero. Heartschallenger first cruised the streets of Los Angeles before finding its way to New York and will ultimately work its way across the world before returning home to the west coast. The only thing better than selling snow cones from a vintage trailer might be driving a pink ice cream truck all over the world.

But if the pink truck won't be sailing down the streets of your city anytime soon, take heart and visit the online shop. I promise you, Cuteness abounds. You'll find things like pink records (music by Layla's band Heartsrevolution).

And Love Hearts Dip, the UK's version of Fun Dip, only tastier.

And ice cream wind-up walking toys.
I'll be back next week with more summer classics, friends! Until then, have a snow cone or two and keep your eyes peeled for a pink ice cream truck. You never know.
Post by Hulaseventy