We were at a zoo we'd never been to a couple of weekends ago, and came upon these two. I wanted to stand there and quietly observe them, except Sabrina kept screeching things like "MOOOOOOOOOOMMY, why aren't they wearing any clothes?" and "MOOOOOOOOOMMY, look at that POOP!" and "MOOOOOOOOOOMMY, she has your hair!" (I kid you not and, no, I do not have a badly-permed shock of gray hair though maybe mine does get a teensy bit frizzy at times). And Max just wanted out of the chimp house, so I couldn't linger.
We don't have set plans for this weekend, other than taking Sabrina to a birthday party, but I'm leaning toward hitting our local zoo. It's something we all enjoy. What I probably will not be doing is sorting the toys in the kids' playroom and putting away the ones they have outgrown, a task I have successfully procrastinated doing for months now. I keep wishing the kids would do it (HA!) or that Dave will (HA!HA!HA!HA!HA!HA!).
And what will you be doing this weekend?