Make-you-melt Daddy moments

Max's teacher, Erin, sent me this shot of Dave and Max from last week. She invited parents to read to the class, and Dave stopped by and read Alexander and the Wind-up Mouse. Dave said Max got the biggest smile on his face when Dave walked in and evidently, it stayed.

I love this photo.

Every once in a while, I'll notice Dave doing something with the kids and my heart melts a little. Like when I come upon him and Max cuddling on the couch, watching sports. Or when he's struggling to get Sabrina into her little pink leotard for gymnastics. Or when he plants his annual tomatoes with the two of them by his side, tossing clumps of dirt around. Or when he picks up both kids in his big bear arms and carries them somewhere.

I fell in love with Dave soon after we first met. And I fell in love with him all over again when he became a dad.

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