Woke up this morning, caffeine headache gone, feeling generally amazing. And I had this major epiphany: I need more sleep.
I delude myself into thinking that I am somehow above sleep, that I can cram and cram stuff into my evenings, get six to seven hours of shuteye and be fine. I tend to have good energy, so pretty much nothing stops me (assuming I get my morning cup of iced coffee, as you all now know). But the thing is, getting seven to eight hours absolutely makes me feel more relaxed in general and gives me a better outlook on life.
Last night, I feel asleep at 10:30. I was woken up at 2:00 in the morning by Sabrina. Obsessed with Dave's iPhone, she had gone downstairs to get it and was sitting on our bed, playing some dippy princess game she loves that has the world's most annoyingly dramatic music. It basically sounds like music for a princess funeral. When I groggily asked, "WHAT are you doing?" she responded, ever so logically, "Playing the princess game!"
Yet not even sleep interrupted by morbid princess music got to me, because I scored close to nine hours total. And I felt absolutely fantastic all day. Still feel fantastic now.
How much sleep do you guys get—and how much sleep do you actually need? Very curious to know.
Photo by Rachel Shingleton