This is what Max wore to bed last night. Yes, pajamas topped by a jeans jacket. "Eeens ack-et!" he calls it.
This is what Sabrina wore to bed last night, as well as ALL DAY Sunday, except for the two hours I was able to coax her into slipping leggings and a shirt on top for a kid's birthday party. In the last month, she has worn her pj's to gymnastics, to music class, to assorted supermarkets and once, to the mall. "My peejamas" she calls them.
I read once that little kids often dig in their heels on outfits because they have few other areas in life where they can assert control. And so, I let Sabrina wear the pj's in public, I let Max sleep in the jeans jacket.
This does not make me a Mommy wuss. At least, I don't think it does.