A random bit of inspiration from Britain's Got Talent
This is a clip from the April 11 Britain's Got Talent, their version of American Idol. Maybe you've seen it by now, it got a gazillion hits on YouTube. I usually consider show tunes about as enjoyable as doing my taxes, but I just watched it five times in a row. It's clear from the snickers and the eye rolls that people thought Susan Boyle, a 47-year-old volunteer church worker from Scotland, was a joke. All because of the way she looked. Then she blew them away. By now, the woman probably has a music contract and a book deal.
The whole thing got me thinking about how people sometimes make instant assumptions about Max, especially when he drools, holds his hands funny or looks... different. But when you get past that, the kid amazes you.
I hope he never stops amazing the world. BTW, he was mesmerized by this video. If he ever felt like belting out show tunes, I'd be OK with that.