It's Summer from Design is Mine again here. Today I would like to talk a little more about Portland, Oregon, specifically a group of ladies that reside here.
It all began last Autumn with a bunch of girls who shared two things in common: a love of photography and mutual online friendships. Together they decided to meet on a farm (owned by the family of one of the organizers), bringing with them their favorite cameras, tall boots, and great energy. It was a day remembered fondly by all who were involved, and resulted in some truly gorgeous photographs.
Fast-forward to last month, when it was decided that another event would be held, this time at an old local amusement park, which was closed for the season. I was lucky to have been able to be a part of it. I have to say that there is little more inspiring than being surrounded by a large group of women that ooze talent and courage (believe me, it takes courage to snap away photographs and be other people's model).
This is now turning into a monthly event and is something that completely makes me fall in love with Portland all over again. The ever-flowing creativity is almost overwhelming at times.
Photographs above by unruly things, moxiee, Amy Nieto, abbytrysagain, and koreana. More photographs from the events, including my own, can be found here.