For today I was thinking of writing about spanking your children, giving them human growth hormone and other low-key topics, given that yesterday's rant about child harnesses didn't generate much flack. Instead, I decided to go with this controversial post, courtesy of Sabrina.
So, would you like to talk about Max?
Sabrina: "No, about me. Because I like myself!"
And what would you like to tell everybody today?
Sabrina: "I want to tell everybody that I have an Ariel doll. And, and, I was, was, watching Peter Pan. But I didn't eat. Mmmm.... I was cold. That's all the questions."
OK. Let's talk about Max!
Sabrina: "OK!"
What do you want to tell everybody about Max?
Sabrina: "He likes to watch Cars. And he eats so well. And he likes Wall-E. That's all the questions for Max, too."
Do you like to help Max?
Sabrina: "Yes."
Sabrina: "Because he's my sister."
Silly! Think about that. He's your sister?
Sabrina: "Oh. He's my brother. But who's the sister?"
You don't have a sister! What are your favorite things to do with Max?
Sabrina: "I like to share. And I like to play with him. And, and, um, and I like to play with my Belle doll and Snow White and Jasmin and the new doll and....what's her name...Ariel."
Does Max like to play outside?
Sabrina: "He likes to go on the swings."
Does Ariel like to go on the swings?
Sabrina: "No, she's a mermaid."
Why can't mermaids go on the swings?
Sabrina: "Cause if they sit on the swing their tails will fall off. That's all the questions."
Thanks for talking to everyone, sweetie. You look beautiful in your mermaid outfit.