buckscountyframes.etsy.com, 100% VOC free from Enviornmentally sustainable wood sources.
dolangeiman.etsy.com, rescued wood constructions
gaiaconceptions.etsy.com, hemp organic cotton
ecocessories.ca, recycled beads
We’ve found some awesome green-minded products this week, from natural laundry soap to children’s clothes made from reclaimed vintage 'mangle cloths'! With earth day on it’s way we are on a quest to find the best green things handmade.
Top left clockwise:
copabananas.bigcartel.com, Fused Plastic Lunch Bag
periwinklebloom.bigcartel.com, reclaimed vintage 'mangle cloths'
eco everyday, Natural Laundry Soap
bodhicitta.etsy.com, Recycled Rewined glassware
shop.shirinnyc.com, organic baby clothes