After my Monday post about how having kids changes you, the reality that I'm not as spontaneous as I used to be has been bugging me. And so, we are going on a road trip tonight. We'll travel a few hours, stay at a Marriott using points Dave racked up on business trips then hit a major aquarium we've never visited before.
I know, we are so wild and crazy.
The kids are both into aquariums; Max stands there, mesmerized, in front of the fish tanks. One of his favorite things at Disneyworld was eating at the Coral Reef restaurant, which had a larger-than-life tank, and watching divers floating around it, feeding the fish and dolphins. Sabrina and I were both fascinated by a giant electric eel at a local aqarium this summer, the thing was like 10 feet long and downright evil-looking. Sabrina was especially excited to see Nemo in another tank.
Me, I could stand there all day watching jellyfish, it's like being high. And I think penguins are just about the most adorable creatures ever. And I like picking up the starfish and stuff in the interactive areas. And, uh, I think I may like aquariums even more than the kids.
What are some of your favorite places to go with the kids? Share!