Today, we are most thrilled to announce the launch of our new community artist blog, The Handmade Artist! Authored by the participants of Poppytalk Handmade (our online "curated" handmade & vintage goods marketplace), the blog will host news items, tutorials and musings from the handmade community who are participating or who have participated at Poppytalk Handmade! We are so excited about this blog, and we're sure it will become a favorite! Click here to bookmark!
Announcing: The Handmade Artist!
Today, we are most thrilled to announce the launch of our new community artist blog, The Handmade Artist! Authored by the participants of Poppytalk Handmade (our online "curated" handmade & vintage goods marketplace), the blog will host news items, tutorials and musings from the handmade community who are participating or who have participated at Poppytalk Handmade! We are so excited about this blog, and we're sure it will become a favorite! Click here to bookmark!