The wildlife we spotted on Captiva Island
The dolphins are at second 15, if you're impatient.
We went an a one-hour boat cruise. Max didn't want to get onboard at first (new situations sometimes scare him) but he settled down, and then he was pretty amazed by the dolphins. At one point, he grabbed my Flip video camera and proceeded to film everything in sight. I now have video clips of every passenger on the cruise.
Our other major wildlife sighting occurred after I took one of the Doritos Sabrina was eating. "I WANT IT BAAA-AAACK!" she shouted, then she threw herself on the floor and had a tantrum, flailing legs and arms and all. I'll spare you the video footage.
We're on our way home now, back to the cold and other realities. Thankfully, I feel completely rejuvenated from this trip. But please God, no snowstorms till I'm back for a week or so. Deal?