There's just something inspiring about this article in Country Home's magazine (Feburary '09 issue) that we had to include here. Pink is a color we never think of using in our living space, but we can see where it can work and does work (in certain doses) in this organizing article, styled by Mathew Mead and photographed by Colleen Duffley. Of course we love red and pink together, and the labels, oh the labels. Some of them can be ordered through Paper Source and Country Home has some they made up for the canisters (paint cans in the top pink cabinet) here. And we are working on a version of our own labels, that we hope to have up tomorrow as a free download. Click here to see their online version of this article.
As a side, I purchased this magazine online through, an online magazine shop, where you can buy digital versions of magazines such as this one, and Readymade (as an example) for 99 cents!