I was on the phone with my friend Wendy this weekend, talking about Sabrina's upcoming birthday party. "I hate to tell you this, but you put the wrong date on the invite," she said. The party is Sunday the 25th. I wrote Sunday the 24th. Oops.
I bumped into a friend in town yesterday, and we were laughing about the mistake. She told me that when she sent out invites to her daughter's birthday party last month, she mailed a few envelopes without any invitations inside. Just empty envelopes.
Got a good "duh!" Mommy moment to share?
P.S. One day this week, I'd love to try a meme—a blogger (that would be me) comes up with a theme for a day, and anyone who's interested in participating does a post on her own blog related to it. Game to try it?
P.P.S. My other confession is that I had chocolate for breakfast, lunch and dinner this weekend. And I don't regret any of it.
P.P.P.S. Didn't get to see Slumdog Millionaire this weekend after all, and now everyone and their mother will be lining up to see it because it won all those Golden Globes. Damn.