Glam, weren't we?
Dave took me out for sushi last night to celebrate our eighth wedding anniversary. Before I left work to meet him, someone asked why we got married in January. That's easy: We wanted a nice-sized wedding and they have sweet deals in January. (And, no, I'm not always that practical.)
Before we had kids, Dave and I used to go out all the time. We saw every good movie, went to museums and the theater, hit dance clubs, took drives to random interesting places or just hung with friends. We do a lot less of that now. For years, I volunteered on Thursday evenings in the pediatric playroom of a hospital that treats cancer. The kids were easy to be around—they just wanted to be kids and play, and after awhile I got used to seeing them bald and hooked up to IVs. It was the parents who were hard to take, I could always sense their sadness. I miss volunteering, and I'd like to do a weekend project at some point soon.
Some other things I miss about life before children:
• The obvious: No worrying about biggie stuff. Like, will Max talk? Will he be able to better use his hands? You get the point.
• A neat living room. A neat kitchen. A neat bedroom. A neat bathroom. A neat anywhere.
• Long showers where nobody's pulling back the curtain and saying "Hi, Mommy!"
• Blasting Bruce in the house at full volume.
• Lazy Sundays. Some weekends, I'd be grateful for a lazy 10 minutes.
Got something you miss?