We noticed these cool decorating tricks coming from some Canadian magazines lately that we thought were worthy of a mention here this week. Whats great about some of them too, is that they're not too expensive to do. Above: A unique message board idea found in Canadian Family Magazine, featuring their editor, Jen Reynold's kitchen. Two yard sale metal trays are hung with wire wrapped from handle to handle. We found this one (below) at etsy, available through Tucson Vintage's shop.

Another piece we loved from the same photo shoot for Canadian Family Magazineis this Shanghai vintage spice rack shelf (below) from Greentea Design. This piece is a little more difficult to find obviously, however sources that come to mind are eBay or your local Chinatown. I also found this selection through Dibor out of the UK.
And then from Wish Magazine, this featured home (below) of Liz Kingstone and family. A little difficult to see, but she knitted panels (for curtains) that hang like strings of cotton balls in her front bay window. She knitted them in a day with super-fat needles. Also her pink painted staircase in glossy hot pink brings lots of color and style, and so easy to do. Photo's by Michael Graydon.