Recently, I read an article in People about an amazing non-profit organization called Flashes of Hope. Started by a former model, it's dedicated to taking pictures of kids who are fighting life-threatening illnesses; professional photographers volunteer their time. Check out the photos—both beautiful and inspiring—and pass along the info to families who could use it.
If you couldn't already tell from reading this blog, I love taking pictures of the kids. I used to bring them to The Picture People, though Max didn't always do so well in a strange location. So every fall, we'd hire a professional photographer to come to the house; this year our neighbor, Jon, did the job. (He also took the photos below of Max at two.) When Max was a baby, looking at pictures of him was the one thing that could always lift me out of the how-am-I-going-to-handle-all-this fog I was in.
For the first four months of his life, Max wasn't able to focus his eyes on me. His brain was still healing from the stroke, and vision was slow to come. At the end of the day, our babysitter would put him in the stroller and meet me halfway when I walked home from the train. I can vividly recall stooping down on the sidewalk in front of the stroller, saying "Max! Max! Max!" and yearning so hard for him to look back and recognize me.
Eventually, he did.
These are some of my favorite professional shots of the kids, through the years.