Thanks to Mel from Fraase Family and Ally of Ally in Wonderland for the "Honest Scrap" award. I'm flattered! Here's what I'm supposed to do:
A) List 10 honest things about yourself—and make them interesting, even if you have to dig deep! B) Pass the award on to 7 bloggers who you feel embody the spirit of the Honest Scrap and whose blogs you find brilliant in design or content.
So, first, 10 honest things about me.
1. I am almost four years older than my husband. We met at a dance club.
2. I am a piano idiot savant. I can play pieces like "Moonlight Sonata" by heart, but when I go to note read I'm completely flummoxed.
3. Once in a while, I cry in the shower when I think about what happened to Max.
4. I drive like a New York City taxi driver.
5. I have never watched Lost, Mad Men, 24 or Top Chef, but I have not missed a single episode of American Idol.
6. I am a gifted sleeper.
7. I have one of those familiar faces, and people often think they know me when they don't. At a recent event, I got to meet Condoleeza Rice. Yes, I did. She shook my hand and said, "We've met before, haven't we?" And I said, "No, I haven't had that pleasure." And she said, "I know you from somewhere!" Well, I wasn't going to argue with her.
8. I consider making scrambled eggs cooking. Can you say "takeout"?
9. I am not afraid of snakes, mice, spiders or bees. But I am really afraid of cockroaches.
10. Sometimes, I hide in my bedroom from the kids so I can blog.
Time to pass the "Honest Scrap" award along to 7 bloggers. I wish I could give it to all of you! But no, just 7, per the rules. I've chosen a mix of new and old blogging friends. Do not feel any obligation to do this if you don't feel like it. And the award goes to... Dianne at Nothing But Everything, Sarah at My Crazy Mommy Life, Mia at General Hysteria, Pia at Welcome to Par(ent)adise, Holly at Caleigh's Corner, Trish at Another Piece of the Puzzle, Jenn at The Pregnancy According to Jude.