Monday Morning Confessional: space-cadet Mommy moments

One thing you should know about me is that I am a relatively organized, on-top-of-it person. I mean, I seriously considered joining a twittermoms group called The Organized Mom until I read a post on organizing shoes and got scared off (I am sure there are hordes of people out there who need to sharpen their footwear organizational skills, but I just cannot go there).

Anyway, I got a message from my bank last night, I do all of my banking online (try it if you haven't yet, it saves time and postage—about $50 a year, I've read—and it's good for Mom Earth). The message said I didn't have enough in my account to cover a credit-card payment. This was strange, because I knew I had enough. So I logged on. I owed $2816 but I'd put in for a payment of $28,166. Oopsie. Note to self: Not a good idea to pay bills and talk on the phone at the same time.

What "duh!" thing have you done lately?

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