Part One of our Holiday Market ends today. Everything will be up online until around 9pm (Pacific Time) and then we'll be closing shop over the weekend, in order to set up the new tables for Part Two of our Holiday Market (which will include come Boxing Day, a Boxing Day Week Sale)! In the meantime (shop online till 9) and have a great weekend and meet us back here Monday, for a new month of vendors! Click here to visit the last hours.
End of Holiday Market (Part One) Today...
Part One of our Holiday Market ends today. Everything will be up online until around 9pm (Pacific Time) and then we'll be closing shop over the weekend, in order to set up the new tables for Part Two of our Holiday Market (which will include come Boxing Day, a Boxing Day Week Sale)! In the meantime (shop online till 9) and have a great weekend and meet us back here Monday, for a new month of vendors! Click here to visit the last hours.