Special Guest Post: by Lisa Solomon

by Lisa Solomon

compound2compound2.jpg Compounded show [http://thecompoundgallery.com/2008/10/01/compounded-october-11-october-27/]

Before I round out my posts here for poppytalk I just want to thank Jan so much for asking me to contribute to her blog. She is such an inspiration. I don’t normally blog on a daily basis and putting these posts together has made me realize how much work that actually is. Thank you Jan for always giving us fresh stuff to look at!!! And thanks again for having me. I’ve had a great time talking about my home town!

So today I’d like to introduce you to Compound Gallery. They are literally a stone’s throw from Blankspace Gallery — next door!

compound1Matt Reynoso

Run by the dynamic Lena Reynoso [ http://curatorofoddities.com/] and her husband Matt Reynoso [ http://reynosofabrications.com/] both again amazing artists/makers in their own right – Compound opened up earlier this year and we are so lucky to have them. I think their space used to be a liquor store – they’ve left the doors to what used to be the fridge in place.... a touch of ambience. Compound gallery also has 10 artist’s studios on site. Often the artists are there working and will allow you to poke around their spaces. There’s something really cool about being in a place that’s active with artists working.

One thing I forgot to mention yesterday is that both Blankspace and Compound have Sunday teas for their shows. You can come have a relaxing and VERY yummy cup of Numi tea [ http://www.worldpantry.com/cgi-bin/ncommerce3/ExecMacro/numitea/store.d2w/report] AND look at art. It’s a much mellower scene than first Fridays.

With out further ado – here’s Lena on Compound Gallery:

why did you start your gallery?

It wasn't something we (my husband Matt and I) ever really considered. We were friends with Kerri and Jason and when the space opened up, we all pondered how great it would be if another art space opened up. After having several friends check out the space, and posting vigorously online to find someone to do it, we realized...why don't we do it? We feared that something weird like a muffler shop might move in and we wanted to try to foster the art community that Kerri and Jason already started. As artists ourselves, it seemed like a natural progression.

was there a hole that your felt needed filling in the Oakland Art Scene?

Yes, there are so many artists in Oakland, with so few places to show work. We wanted to create a space for people who were passionate about their art and who are not necessarily producing mainstream or "lowbrow" art.

how does the Oakland Art Scene vary from San Francisco’s?

I would have to agree with Kerri, Oakland seems a more relaxed and community driven. It probably comes down to cheaper rent=more space and more opportunity to be risky.

what kind of art do you tend to focus on.... Sum up your program/intentions for us.

We try to focus on artists who create art with and for a purpose. The purpose can be for personal reasons, or to address a larger social issue, but always to satisfy something within the artist. Every gallery has their own agenda, and ours is to give serious artists a chance to express themselves, even if it isn't the current trend in art.

compound3Compounded show [http://thecompoundgallery.com/2008/10/01/compounded-october-11-october-27/]

off the top of your head name 3 artists that are inspiring you right now [you don’t have to work with them, but it’s fine if you do]

We like to support all the artists we work with, so I can't pick among them, but outside of the local art scene: Neo Rauch [http://www.metmuseum.org/special/se_event.asp?OccurrenceId={8A3293A2-4A10-483D-B226-E22C4E8E6905}] , Max Beckman [ http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Max_Beckmann] and Yoko Ono [ http://www.a-i-u.net/index.html]

what is the best part of owning a gallery?
being on the other side of the art "business" and giving artists a place to show their work. We also have 10 studios and it is always such an inspiration to see everyone at work, creating, and bustling around.

what’s the worst part?
Having to turn away artists who are very talented, because of limited space or because their work may not fit within our agenda. This certainly has made me realize that you just have to keep getting your work out there! Just because one gallery is not into your work, it does not mean it isn't good. Keep producing and believe in yourself.

communicationgapCommunication Gap show [http://thecompoundgallery.com/2008/07/08/communication-gap-august-24-2008-september-8-2008/]

dancing – pro or con?
Dancing, of course!

hug or handshake?

what did you have for dinner last night?
A leftover sandwich from Sufficient Grounds in Berkeley.

anything else we should know about you and your space????
I second that! {what Kerri said yesterday}

Don’t forget – Blankspace and Compound gallery are having a HUGE handmade sale for the Holidays. Otherwise known as HOLIDAYLAND – this is the place to come to get small works of unique art and all kinds of handmade goodies to give as gifts. Why not support small artisans??

Dec. 5 - Dec 15th, 2008
First Friday Holiday Cheer Reception: December 5, 6-10pm
Holiday Cheer Sunday Reception: Dec 14, 4-7pm

Compound Gallery
6604 San Pablo Gallery
Oakland, CA 94608

yellingclinic3Yelling Clinic show [ http://thecompoundgallery.com/2008/07/09/yelling-clinic/]

Special Guest Post by Lisa Solomon

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