When I was in my mid-twenties, I read an essay in the New York Times Magazine called "Sex Is The New Sleep." The writer was a mom, and in it she cheerfully confessed that she was more excited by the prospect of getting shuteye than by the prospect of getting off. I thought it was an amusing, if slightly pathetic, article. Only some days now, I know exactly what she means. The National Sleep Foundation's 2008 Sleep in America poll basically blamed long workdays for sex apathy. I'm not convinced it's work—I think it's everything we parents juggle. Two kids in your bed sure doesn't help!
BTW, thanks for all the helpful comments. Sarah H, thrilled to have you here! Sarah B, you are right about how key exercise is, I only wish typing burned more calories! And Shannon, I am with you on the coffee, this post has been brought to you courtesy of a Frappuccino. Now, you guys game to share about this?