Mine do.
Max likes cars, fire trucks, planes, trains, buses and basically anything that goes.
Sabrina likes princesses, pink, princesses, princesses, princesses, princesses (did I mention princesses)?
How exactly did this happen? I didn't encourage them. Yes, Max has toy cars and stuff, but since he was a baby he'd screech in delight when a truck passed us on the road or a plane flew overhead. And I tried so hard to avoid Cinderella-itis. But suddenly, at 3&1/2 or so, Sabrina started talking about princess this and that and insisting on wearing pink every day ("BLUE is for boys," she informed me the other week.) My husband and I jokingly call her Sabrinarella behind her back.
I'll admit to being psyched that in some ways, Max is a typical little boy. But the princess stuff bugs me, especially because there are no cool princesses. It all seems so retro and narrow-minded, though I am not worried Sabrina will one day head off to college dressed in a dippy pink taffeta gown and carrying a wand.
Are your kids the same way? And how do you feel about that?