
Max as Lightning McQueen, his idol.

Halloweenie, that's me (what, you think I was calling Max a weenie?!). Every year, as much as I look forward to seeing the kids in their cute outfits, I also dread Max's meltdown at our city's Halloween parade. It's not so much a parade as one big sugar-infused madhouse, with kids dashing from store to store getting their candy. Crowds wig Max out. (Ditto for firecrackers, big dogs and Sarah Palin. Oh, wait, that's just me.) Sure enough, he lasted maybe five minutes. Dave took him home, and I wandered my way around with Sabrina. 

Sometimes, I dread the sort of events others look forward to. Birthday parties with Max can be a nightmare, Thanksgiving a stress mess. I think I purposefully expect the worst so I'll be content, even happy, if the outcome isn't nearly as bad as I thought it would be. Am I alone here?

I got a nice surprise: Max LOVED trick or treating. He was beside himself with glee when kids showed up at our door, and concentrated so, so hard on picking up candy bars and packages of pretzels from the orange basket on our porch and dropping them into kids' buckets.

Action shot!

Max got the hang of grabbing candy, although I wasn't able to train him to take only peanut butter cups, my favorite.

Sabrina, aka Belle.  

Not to be outdone, Sabrina proceeded to pick up handfuls of candy and give them away to each kid. So we were facing a severe candy crisis by mid-evening. Unlike the economy, it held stable. 

I'm pretty sure I heard Max say "boo" when he saw some pictures of ghosts, which was a real thrill. He has a particularly hard time with "b" and "p," since they require lip closure (bet you're mouthing those letters right now) and his mouth usually hangs slack from lack of muscle control. 

A shout out to Brian, a neighbor who dressed as a man captured by a gorilla. Next to him is Dave, who dressed as a suburban dad. 

Anyway, we all had a great time. So are any of you weenies about your kids and events/celebrations?

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