I hope YOU had a wonderful Labor Day (sanslabor of course). For most of the day I enjoyed some quality time with my lovely fiancee. Then into the evening I pretended to pretend that I was working on homework and research, but I typically found myself sneaking over to my sketchbook. Anyways, let's gather round and hear about someone who is making the goods.
Chris Piascik is a booming graphic designer/artist residing in Cambridge, MA. This dude is gooood! He was an adjunct professor at Harford Art School and is now a designer at the hippity hip Alphabet Arm. And on top of that he's part owner of Print Brigade. You can see that Chris likes to ride bikes and I do too! His killer hand drawn typography shows up on flickr EVERYDAY and it's consistently something worth drooling over.
Special guest post by Will Bryant
flickr: photo blog
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