I've decided to refrain from color blasting your retinas today to let you know about a project I'm part of through the Public Design Center. I was/am a graphic design intern for Clifton & Kate Bingaman-Burt while the PDC was stationed here in Mississippi. Now they have moved their creative minds (along with all their stuff & puppy dog) to Portland, Oregon. But the spirit to elevate the mundane lives on!
I will be assisting visiting Graphic Design Professor, Sarah Foley, in documenting vernacular typography in the south. (That's rrrright, rooooad triiiiiips!) The Center for Vernacular Typography seeks to document these typographic artifacts in their natural environments. Once documented, our mission is then to catalog, research, and exhibit the findings.
As this project develops, the centralized uploading location for photographic specimens is on the Center's flickr group:
And while you're browsing make sure to check out Doug Wilson's amazing collection of Vernacular Typography Polaroids
On a side note, I'm flying to LA this morning! If you're in the area you can certainly find me Saturday night at LittleBird Gallery. More to come on that tomorrow! Also, FRIDAY FEEL #3!
Special guest post by Will Bryant
flickr: photo blog
store: willbryant.etsy.com