Download a letter pdf file here (includes A to Z), print it out on your printer. Cut out letter and tape onto contact paper reversed so when flipped over it reads properly. For the contact paper choose a favorite color or faux bois. (Note: The contact paper is removable). Using a craft knife cut out traced letter onto contact paper. Stick above hooks (an initial for each person) for a nice organized entryway or use wherever!
make it! downloadable letters to make vinyl decals
Download a letter pdf file here (includes A to Z), print it out on your printer. Cut out letter and tape onto contact paper reversed so when flipped over it reads properly. For the contact paper choose a favorite color or faux bois. (Note: The contact paper is removable). Using a craft knife cut out traced letter onto contact paper. Stick above hooks (an initial for each person) for a nice organized entryway or use wherever!