I met daskaninchen through Etsy after featuring her Beuys bunny in my front page treasury. My husband is a big fan of Beuys’ so I got him a Beuys bunny for his birthday some weeks later. Along that bunny came a verification of Shannah being the most wonderful person in addition to being a talented artist. She’s been a huge inspiration to me from the day I first saw her work. (And she told me that my writing had poetic qualities, which still makes me all happy inside and out.)
To me Shannah’s work has always been ambiguous. She’s a thinker as well as an artist. Her rabbits are so much more than wool felt plushies! You could see them as toys for grownups, but their simple and beautiful appearance is just one aspect. Shannah’s work comes back to history, mathematics and inspirational art.
These shaman rabbits were inspired by Beuys’ performance “How to Explain Pictures to a Dead Hare” as well as vanitas that include dead rabbits or hares. Daskaninchen’s Shaman rabbits can be seen in the Crammed Organisms Show in Saint Louis right now! If you’re around go take a look, the show sounds amazing!
In addition to my husband’s Beuys bunny our home has another rabbit inhabitant; a beautiful white Fibonacci rabbit (I love it, she's all mine!). Read more about the origins of the name Fibonacci rabbit from here (or here if you’re a math geek). Very profound thoughts behind these beautiful rabbits! Shannah puts it so much better than I ever could, so I’ll just quote her a little: “She may remind you of Alice’s rabbit or the velveteen rabbit as well. The rabbit metaphor has often been used in mythology and literature. For me it always recalls intuition, regeneration, and redemption.” Adds a bit to a plushie, doesn’t it?
These gorgeous three sisters are sold out, but Shannah told me that more Fibonacci rabbits are on their way to the shop. While waiting for them, don’t forget to take a look at the new daskaninchen blog and Shannah’s Flickr!
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Editor's Note:
Kaija of paperiaarre is holding a giveaway at her blog. All you have to do is leave a comment telling her what would your perfect journal be like. She'll make a draw on Sunday, June 15th. Two daisy brooches and a small notebook are waiting for their new owners. Click here to enter.