we're launching our "the art of the display" series today from our poppytalk handmade participants who are sharing pictures of the art in their homes and how it's displayed. to start things off, rachael hetzel of pistachio press is sharing some unique pieces.
Name: Rachael Hetzel
Shop Name: Pistachio Press and How Now Design
Poppytalk Handmade: Table 106
Website: Pistachio Press
City: Rochester, NY
These images were taken in my living room. I have art hanging throughout my house, but I especially love that these pieces greet me when I come home every day. The first image (above) was taken just inside my front entryway. The quilt was made by Abbey Hendrickson and the small painting on the right wall was painted by Jim DeLucia. On top of the card catalog (which houses keys, gloves, and loose change) is a bookwork by Heather Wetzel, an obsessive drawing framed in white by Katie Sehr, and a wet-plate collodion portrait of me and my husband taken by Heather Wetzel. The second image (below) is a grouping of work on top of my built-in book shelves. The mixed-media piece on the wall is by Candace Nicol, the small horse painting was painted by Meredith Schwab, the ceramic gourds and porcelain figurines were made by Eun Young Leem, and the semi-hidden wallpaper piece was made by Kris Merola. I prefer to display work in small groupings so that the viewing experience is a bit more intimate.