we've really been looking forward to this market and are thrilled now that it's here! this month turned out to be the most popular when it came to submissions to date and we kept adding a few more and a few more, because we just couldn't turn away the talent. so now that we are plum full, we hope you'll enjoy visiting this most amazing bunch of independent designers and artists! we've also got a "papergoods guide" and "affordable art" guide that will accompany this month's roster (available within the next few days)! and for fun a few jewelry pieces with a "paper" or "stamp" affiliation that we couldn't resist! thank you for visiting and for supporting handmade. click here to see what we mean!
"paper pops" a papergoods & affordable art market launches today!
we've really been looking forward to this market and are thrilled now that it's here! this month turned out to be the most popular when it came to submissions to date and we kept adding a few more and a few more, because we just couldn't turn away the talent. so now that we are plum full, we hope you'll enjoy visiting this most amazing bunch of independent designers and artists! we've also got a "papergoods guide" and "affordable art" guide that will accompany this month's roster (available within the next few days)! and for fun a few jewelry pieces with a "paper" or "stamp" affiliation that we couldn't resist! thank you for visiting and for supporting handmade. click here to see what we mean!