Artist Name: Jhoanna Monte Aranez
Shop Name and Url: One Red Robin (oneredrobin.com)
Website: www.oneredrobin.com
Blog: oneredrobin.com
City: Melbourne, Australia
Where in your home/apartment/city is your studio located?
I use the small spare living room upstairs in our home. It has lots of natural light and is close to my daughter's rooms, which is important as I usually craft at night when they are asleep and its comforting to know that I am close by if they need me.

What equipment/tools do you use?
My Janome sewing machine is what I use most - next would be my laptop :-)
Do you have an inspiration board, and can you tell us what is
inspiring you now? (please include picture)
Quirky, cute, and nostalgic is how I would sum up what is inspiring me at the moment.

How do you create best (e.g. do you listen to music while you create
and if so what?)
I always have music playing - I find it almost impossible to work while its quiet. I like to listen to a range of different artists and at the moment its Brooke Fraser, Sixpence None the Richer, Yael Naim, Leeland and Third Day.
List (3) of your favorite artists (with links)
Shinzi Katoh
Mary Blair
Rex Ray
If yours isn't, what would be your perfect studio?
I love Alicia Paulson's studio (http://www.flickr.com/photos/47702473@N00/sets/72057594143408502) - I love all the colour, its vintage vibe, the all the gorgeous things hanging on the walls and from the ceiling, and the fact that there is enough room to have a crafty get-together with good friends. It's a good thing I don't have a studio like that because I don't think I would ever leave the room!