i just got back from visiting shine today and am all stoked for a cool d.i.y. project idea that was in a post about design ideas. the idea is inspired by these rooms from a beautiful hotel on the island of folegandoes in greece, the anemi. the rooms (by designer stavros papayiannis) in this hotel are really rather serene and modern in design, using white walls with grey trim in most of them. this allows for the large photo canvases (project idea) to really pop out when used as either bed headboards or large backdrops. writer, callie jenschke suggested using blowuplab.com to create this look from a blown up photograph and looking back in my library of old blueprint magazines (sniffle sniffle) i came across a few other resources as well. duggal and shutterfly to blow up your favorite photograph. (continued below).
here's a little how to (with some help from blueprint's may '06 issue):
1. once you have chosen your image (preferabley a digital one). if not, you'll have to take your original picture and scan it to make it into digital format. if you don't have a scanner, you can take it to a local office center such as kinko's where they can do this for you. they can put the image on a cd so you can take it to whichever printer you decide to take it to.
2. depending on the size of your original image and what type of camera the image was taken from, will depend on how large you will be able to blow up your image to. it's best to have this looked at where you will be having the image blown up at for them to assess. the one's in these images are at least 5' x 7', so your original image would need to be of pretty high quality in the pixel department.
3. for a matte canvas, ask to look at samples before you go ahead. according to my trusty old blueprint magazine, ask for heavyweight artist's canvas, pigment-based dyes, and an ultra-violet-protective coating.