i recently read about this most amazing ceramic sale going on in san francisco this upcoming weekend at fourth & clay in berkeley. potters, diana fayt, rae dunn, whitney smith and josie jurczenia along with two textile artists, susannah schnick and nancy la rose (sorry no site - but she makes beautiful bags) will be selling their seconds (and firsts) in conjunction with a "live mural production" by mel & friends who will be presenting a live graffiti production on the outside wall of the building of fourth & clay (during the two days of the sale). the dates of the sale are saturday and sunday (may 3 & 4).
also recently the sister of diana fayt (one of the potters) lost her home due to a house fire along with most of her possessions. she and her family are safe, albeit homeless at the moment. so diana has decided to give all the money she makes from selling off her seconds at the fourth & clay sale to help her sister get back on her feet. she is also selling her yellow vase collection via her etsy store in order to raise more money for her. these are her newest pieces and are also one of my favorites.