if you're in t.o. this weekend the toronto's 10th annual interior design show is running and with it the more edgier three-day come up to my room event at the gladstone hotel. although i'm blogging from vancouver {with our own home show here this weekend}, this event always leaves me wishing i was back east. i did manage to find a few places online though that are giving sneak peeks here and there of a few things. {above image} from the globe and mail weekender shows "the trap" an installation by "this is collective" featuring a bed designed to look like an oversized mousetrap.
also opening this weekend is motherbrand's souvenir shop in the gladstone hotel. room 212 has been converted by the motherbrand collective into the ultimate souvenir shop. after it's successful debut at last year's event, the souvenir shop returns for cutmr 2008 for a permanent spot which will be integrated into the services offered a the gladstone hotel and the rest of the world will be able to shop online at www.thesouvenirshop.ca.
oh and here's some fun interative for you. the ids is holding a window contest where you can vote for your favorite window design. I'm all for tania sanhueza's display {below} for magic pony. vote here!