i've seen little hints of lisa solomon's collections from time to time visiting her blog where she has posted nooks and crannies of her san francisco home from time to time. she's another one of those people i think of when i think of collecting. she has an amazing knack for placement that makes things look unstaged and natural. here are her thoughts on her "stuff". (another place i could linger in for hours, i'm sure).
why you collect these items and how your
collection started?
I’ve been collecting “Stuff” since I was a kid. There isn’t really any rhyme or reason to what I collect. I just start on something and then go until I find the next thing. I guess there’s always an aesthetic component to what I collect. Whatever it may be, I’m visually drawn to it. I also just love old things. I love old type and design. I also like when things have been used – or if they have some kind of history. I like the idea of something that can be considered “ordinary” can be used and loved and cared for by several generations of people.
Some collections stop at 2 items. Some just keep going forever. Sometimes people get wind of what you are collecting and then things get donated.... If I had an endless supply of money and time I would love to just compile things. I think a fantasy job would be to collect for other people. Sometimes the hunt is just as fun or as rewarding as the actual objects themselves.

how do you display them or would like to display
I try to place things around my home where I can see them. I tend to group things similar together. I also tend to group by color and shape. It’s just my nature.
I think one of the things I’m always struggling with is where to keep everything. I’m always out of room. I always swear that I’m going to put stuff away and then rotate what gets put out – but that never really seems to manifest. Plus I do like seeing my “stuff”. It makes it feel like home to me.

what are your favorite pieces in the collection, is there anything unique?
It’s hard to pick a favorite. And I’m only showing you a very small portion of all the collections I have. There’s also an array of vintage kitchen items, there’s art, there’s rings, there’s shoes, polaroid cameras.... I think it’s safe to say that I have a slight problem. In terms of anything unique? I’ll let you be the judge of that!
what piece are you most looking for, and what
piece would complete your collection?
I’m always looking. I think for me there is no one piece that would do it. Sometimes I feel that if you are looking for something specific, you don’t find it. I have to go to thrift stores and flea markets and just look. I use ebay when I’m jonezing for something specific - like vintage glass beakers.

besides this collection, if you could collect
anything in the world, what would it be?
Ha! Maybe I should list what I don’t collect. It might be shorter? OK. If money wasn’t an option I’d seriously collect art by both blue chip and emerging artists. And some key furniture. I’d love some George Nakashima pieces [ www.nakashimawoodworker.com]. And maybe some Eames’ storage units. [ www.dwr.com]. I’d better stop now or this list will just get insanely long.