periodic table printmaking project

i just got a heads up from kate at nydam press about an exciting project she's participating in called "the periodic table printmaking project. it is organized by jennifer schmitt, a woodblock artist ( the project consists of over eighty-five different printmakers from the us., canada, the uk, italy, germany, norway and australia, with the goal to create a finished table of elements (118 prints in all), represented in the printmaking mediums only (woodcut, linocut, monotype, etching, lithograph, silkscreen or any combination).

there is something about this project that is really exciting to me as it combines printmaking with the focus on "science images" (as art) and promoting both art and science, which is really coming to the consciousness right now and it's still so fresh! thanks kate for letting us know about this. (gallery owners: this needs to be in a gallery or something, and i would love to be able to buy prints!)

here's a few links to read more. periodic table printmaking project website; period table project flickr pool; more info. a few favorites (above and highlighted below):

Cr (chromium) by nydam press

La (lanthanum) by azure grackle

He (helium) by azure grackle

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